Experience connection at a deeper level.

While still in the cage of your being, behold the spirit bird before it flies away.
— Rumi

Laughter Yoga is about CONNECTION.

Making eye contact, smiling, laughing together, reconnecting to our inner childlike state, letting go of our adult programming that prevents joy and silliness.

Laughter Yoga sessions are currently available in person at your venue, or online via Zoom. Sessions are 45-60 minutes long and promote teamwork and connection. Participants can be seated in their chair for most of the session with some standing movement. We begin with warm up exercises and then do fun interactive activities to encourage laughter. We finish with a guided relaxation. The wonderful news is that the benefits of laughter happen even if the laughter is “fake”, so faking it until you make it is encouraged! I guarantee that you will be smiling and laughing with us or at least at me by the end of the session!

Book a Laughter Yoga session for your corporate group, small business group, school class, baby shower, birthday, retirement party, or family reunion!

Laughter decreases anxiety, depression, improves immunity, increases a feeling of tranquility, and also uses the same core and back muscles used while exercising!

Laughter Yoga sessions are by appointment. $175 per session for groups up to 40. Rates for larger groups upon request.